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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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 No.21436[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (110% Bulma) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


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elsy will never forgive


elsy will never forget


expect elsy


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Where do I remember this from?

Its from Generator Gawl, but I've never seen it before.


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typical /what/birl maid! >v<


Where is her soft crushable throat?


kitto wasureranai all my fwens


/what/throats aren't for crushing!! you can grab their birly neck to force them to do things but you're not allowed to crush them!!!


Today I had dream about a lot of girl [space] friends I knew. It wasn't really a sad dream, but it wasn't exactly happy either.

In the dream, a girl I knew confessed to me and I had to reject her because she was being impulsive.

There was also a part where I visited friendo's house and she had a really weird new postmodern house that was like 4 storeys tall but really narrow and everything was squished together and she was showing me around. Her husband was there too and he was nice and said hi but he was busy working on their family car or something.

There was also another part with a friendo I knew and we were inside a ruined cabin in the woods and it was raining heavily through the collapsed roof and we just sort of stood around hugging each other because we didn't know what to do. She was very depressed when I knew her and a lonely isolated miserable sinking cabin is a pretty good description of her situation back then. I really hope she's doing okay now.

There were other parts but I don't really remember them now.


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happy xmas


elsy!!! >v<


We've been expecting you.


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merry christmas


This game had a great christmas/capitalism theme going for it


don't forget to say happy xmas to your steam friendos too!!


not happy



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"I think 50% of guys can look really cute if they put in the effort."
- /qa/


I have possibly the most masculine legs in existence.


You may never be cute, but you have the potential to reach handsome.


All the /what/friends are cute in their kokoros!


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/what/ is more like a textboard but with file attachment features.


it's deded like a textboard too


Don't forget to have a nice ii ne dream about friends tonight!


But I don't have any.


You can dream about anime friends instead!!




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two cute /what/friends! >v<



I read this board sometimes, it's for employees that work at large biotech companies to post anonymously, usually to say things they wouldn't be able to say openly in their work environments. very cyberpunk…

Reminds me of Doom3 PDA memos https://doomwiki.org/wiki/PDA


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I made curry with this S&B golden curry, one of most popular curry brands in Japan, ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᶦⁿ ᵐʸ ᵃⁿᶦᵐᵉˢ…

Never had it before, was pretty good with rice, looked like real Japanese curry, was barely spicy at all though, despite being their "extra hot" flavor. Can't imagine why they have mild, medium, hot, and extra hot. Box art is aesthetic.

Didn't follow the directions in the video, that's just my wife.


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They look nice but they are too espensive to buy with regularity.


Gonna make a youtube channel where i just eat and review all the different instant noodles i can get from my local importers.

Hope it hasn't already been done (it probably has).

I'll call the channel noooodles


They're $4 per box on Amazon, and you could make a pretty big amount of curry with half a box, really depends on how much you're willing to dilute and sacrifice flavor.

Rice is dirt cheap, potatoes and carrots pretty cheap, that's all you need.

Make a big pot of curry with potatoes/carrots, maybe chicken, could last you days, and flavor thousands of calories of rice.

Given this in mind, depending on ingredients and method of cooking, I'd say for about $6-$10 USD, you could have 5000-10,000 calories of curry rice.

Is there enough variety and brands? I haven't tried much, but I'll give a tier list of the ramen I've tried:

Shin Ramyun >>>> Top Ramen = Maruchan > Sapporo Ichiban

And shin ramyun is basically just as cheap as Top Ramen or Maruchan too, just way, way better.


Oh, I didn't realize how much each pack could actually make. I thought it was much less than that. Now it Seems much more economical.


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Should I bother with the *monogatari series at this point?

I watched the first two seasons and I thought they were entertaining enough and I liked donut loli. But then I kind of forgot about it and now there are so many stories I don't even know what order they all go in and how I should watch them.


i dont know but cute coicoa!


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I only watched the first 2 seasons, but I did years ago.

Now there's like 10 seasons and I have no clue what's going on.


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Yes. Watch in airing order like always. Its worth going through some of the boring arcs for the Kizumonogatari movie trilogy. Next arc they are making is donut loli.


Hey whathackermin, wanna de-obfuscate some malicious code? This is now running on all 4chan boards:

Also don't go on 4chan now if you run windows unless you block javascript.


>Also don't go on 4chan now if you run windows unless you block javascript.
good meme but websites can't install programs on your computer unless you're running unpatched windows xp or you blindly run every executable your browser downloads

i saw a lot of tech-illiterate people panicking and posting screenshots of their task managers and it really made me think about the current userbase of 4chan


No it's ransomware, someone posted a screenshot on /g/.


I think if I really, really wanted to, I could actually figure out what this program does, but it would take me probably over 100 hours of work.

Where do you see this running on 4chan?

Yes, an exploit in major browsers like Firefox or Chrome that would allow someone to run an executable on the user's machine outside of the browser without their permission or knowledge, would be an extremely huge exploit, extremely rare and complex.

It's something no one should be worrying about, unless they have the Java plugin installed and enabled or something.

I have no clue what or why with the new domains required for 4chan though.


people were saying yesterday that it was a cryptocurrency miner that disguises itself as a windows service on your computer so people were posting their task managers and asking if it's normal to have all these svchost processes running

ransomware would still have to be installed on your computer unless it only ransoms the 4chan tab in your browser and demands you to buy a 4chan pass to remove intrusive ads or something…..

i smh my head at this whole thing, it's only so ~outrageous~ because most 4chan users have never touched a computer before

then there's people who think they know stuff and sound convincing enough so people who know less think they're right when they're often not

i hate idiots


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/what/ meat up (me in the middle)


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>Where do you see this running on 4chan?
Just view the source of any page.

I don't think it's anything but an adloader, but I still think it's malicious and possibly put on 4chan w/o permission because it tries to break CSS if you block it. Plus it's on a board that is supposed to be adless.


>possibly put on 4chan w/o permission because it tries to break CSS if you block it
that's probably just to try to get people to turn off their blockers


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Wow MCR was really good, maybe just this album specifically. I especially like track 4 and 9.



I think the Tamako Market ED is pretty cute and catchy. It has a sound that reminds me of when i was younger and that's a nice thing.


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>she's not even wearing makeup
That girl is clearly wearing make up though. Pretty bad troll.


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I got 20+ (you)'s the other day. The most I ever got was 30+ in a /mu/ thread talking shit about Lil Ugly Mane's new album in a release thread.


Nice to see other people pooping up /t-p/ in my absence.


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Can someone make the top-right section of the black X extend to the top?


I just saw /what/ on 4chan and I'm not sure if it was an actual screenshot from what or that Oneechan theme I made that makes 4chan look like /what/.


Link it!!



I just realized the stubs to the left of the post, so it probably was the /what/ theme that I wrote.


/what/ would never reach a post count like that even after a century…

but it's an nice theme though!


I had a dream that my dad took me to see a live airing of the daily show with John Stewart.

I entered a room that was basically like a large school cafeteria, and it was 80% orthodox jews in their full costumes, which made me extremely uncomfortable, I thought that they must be scheming something bad.


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i went to /t/ for the first time yesterday. it is nothing but p*rn & the threads are like 200 days old!

i did end up getting some sweet emulator roms though.


There's nothing wrong with old threads. What's obnoxious is when there's three threads devoted to emulator roms taking up space in the catalog. But that's the kind of quality you'd expect from a board on 4chan. It doesn't help that it's a red board.

And it's too bad the average poster on /t/ can barely wrap their head around the concept that BitTorrent is just another protocol like http or ftp, and has multiple applications. You can tell a forum is awful when they're dumb enough to argue about different BitTorrent clients like they're fucking sports teams.


I got banned on /prog/ . . . again.


is the lily chou chou thread still there


>And it's too bad the average poster on /t/ can barely wrap their head around the concept that BitTorrent is just another protocol like http or ftp, and has multiple applications. You can tell a forum is awful when they're dumb enough to argue about different BitTorrent clients like they're fucking sports teams.

Even people who understand that will still argue over torrent clients. I honestly think you're dumb, or at least tech illiterate, if you use uTorrent.

HTTP is just a protocol, but people certainly argue over web browsers (http clients).


At the risk of jumping on a soapbox, I just learned something fascinating: uTorrent actually has a built in marketplace for users to purchase magnet links pointing to media. Isn't that interesting? There's all sorts of antipiracy propaganda in circulation, some of which accusing pirates as being either third party agents outside of the economy or, basically, accusing pirates of advocating Communism. I say the latter one with some disdain since it's a stupid argument and I don't want to strawman anyone, but that's basically the premise of some propoganda. The irony uTorrent illustrates among pirates even with their own ecosystem is that pirates literally cannot concieve of a means of distribution beyond traditional (by which I mean it emulates distribution of physical commodity like ivory and oil) capitalism. Kim Dotcom, who is heavily antagonized by antipiracy proponents is, at best, an anarchocapitalist. That's what's amazing about it: evidence suggests that, despite the claims that piracy hurts our local economy, it's the people most affected by that economy who pirate. And a research essay sponsored by the EU literally proves that piracy had no affect on the media industry beyond immediate box office sales (although it's impossible to get your hands on this essay, since it's been suppressed to oblivion by lobbyists in all but that one fact which they cited in their propaganda). The people who leak, say, musical records, aren't third party agents, they're sometimes journalists and oftentimes musicians (Tycho, Death Grips, Kanye West to name a few famous leakers).

My point isn't that piracy is good, it's that it's a form of subversion perpetuated by the antagonism of piracy. Piracy and the industry as we know it have a symbiosis. But the issue with that is that three-letter agencies will often write legislature under the pretense of preventing piracy. We know for a fact that citizens of sovereign nations who've never done business in the USA can be arrested by the FBI with the kind of vindication generally reserved for terrorists under the pretense of piracy. Piracy isn't good, nor is it subversive. Antipiracy propaganda exists in order to perpetuate piracy. Piracy is bad because it helps the industry, not because it's harmful to the industry.


no piracy is good because i don't have to pay for dumb tv shows


You have to pay for dumb tv shows precisely because you pirate.




I have to pay for them because I don't… sorry I don't follow…


>My point isn't that piracy is good, it's that it's a form of subversion
>Piracy isn't good, nor is it subversive.
so which is it?


Please try to just ignore his rambling…


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Is equivalent to:


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don't fight about torrents guys!


wow you must be a really sh*tty poster!


always cum on your /what/friendos!


Piracy is the illusion of subversion, in that most people think it's antagonistic to the industry, but it's not.


>it's antagonistic to the industry
The internet has made the industry redundant. Record labels are no longer required to distribute music and tv stations and film companies are no longer required to distribute video.


Merry Christmas!


That's why the industry lobbies so hard to suppress distribution of media on the Internet.


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Christmas becomes a stressful event when you're an adult normie, especially if you're poor. Good thing I'm not a normie.


If you use that word you are one.


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meri kurisumasu!!



>Status: Not yet aired

>Aired: Jan 6, 2018

Oh boy I didn't even know this was being made, looks fun.


The amount fun an individual can have watching that series is directly correlated with how autistic that person is.

So I'm sure you'll have a blast.


You don't have to buy presents that are promptly going to be thrown away to celebrate Christmas, you stupid consumerist trash. Consider taking your friends out for dinner. Hell, they'd even appreciate a hand-written letter.


That's just the illusion of subverting consumerism, thinking that it's antagonistic to the retailers, but it's not.


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Thanks I will.

You can temporarily become autistic and enjoy anime with drugs/alcohol, by the way. But you don't need those.



I wonder if this actually appeals to little girls or just pedophiles.


If you have to ask…


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Did you get anything for Christmas?

I got $100 Amazon gift card, so guess what I bought…

Can't believe how expensive this game is, $85 for a PS4 game.


i watched a video that says you should always choose the longest shipping option to try and help the environment



I normally order stuff on my mom's account which has Amazon Prime, and free 2day shipping, but I don't want my mom to know I'm ordering an $85 weeb game. I only ordered the most expensive shipping because I pretty much used the entire gift card anyway.

I mean since we have Amazon prime, I'm not gonna not use the free 2day shipping…

Aren't the trucks going to be running anyway? It's not like they're driving _just_ for my package.


>Aren't the trucks going to be running anyway
Yeah but if enough people switch then maybe they'll only send two trucks a day instead of ten.


Probably better to just hope for clean energy sources.

The sun is basically an infinite source of energy, solar panels and electric cars just need to become more efficient.


It still takes a massive amount of energy to create those cars. It would be better to more efficiently utilise vehicles in general.


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Valve updated the ranking system again I think.

This is my smurf account, and I was wondering why I was having to stress so much, until I found out the ranks.

There doesn't seem to be much of a difference between gn4 and DMG/LE, I feel bad for some of these people stuck in gn4 because there's so many good people in gn4/mg1, that I don't even think are smurfs, people that should be LE+.


I was MG2 years ago when everyone was boosted to GE. After the reset I was Silver Elite Master. I never really solo queue ranked too often though. I spent more time surfing & on b_hop servers. de_nuke, de_inferno, & de_dust2 were the only maps you could bhop on for extend periods and all of them have been replaced. I haven't tried the new dust2 yet.


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The major rank update happened at the beginning of 2016 I believe.

In 2015 global elite was very realistic and wasn't that impressive, normal players could be GE. Now I'm convinced it's cheaters, not even pros are GE now when they play matchmaking.

My only motivation to play CSGO used to be wanting global elite rank (I got to SMFC, probably very close to GE, and then rank update hit), now it's basically impossible, and I only play on a gold nova account with alternate weapons not commonly used in standard meta (shotguns, scout, pistols, negev, zeus, etc.) I haven't played on my main in months.


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( >,<)


>It still takes a massive amount of energy to create those cars
Just make them with solar powered machines.


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order 1 day shipping

get it 3 days later anyway


Just a heads up if you want DLC you need to make a Chinese or Hong Kong or Taiwan(?) PSN account


I'm going to go back in time and become an otaku in the late 80s and 90s just like D-san, wish me luck!!


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Check out these two cute /what/friends I found!


these are girls!


No, they're /what/friends! You can tell because they are friends.


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Wow, check out this nice /what/poster i found on /jp/!



I think that was me.


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Nevermind, it can't be me because my filename was >>21729

but I remember that thread


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/what/frens enjoying their bento together!


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This one's for you, whatmin.



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First time I ever posted on /n/, I heard they like bikes.


dumb bikenorms ruined /n/


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Valve definitely messing with the matchmaking algos.


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every combo ends with like 1+1+1 into 1+1+3


a brownout messed up my external HDD (dunno if it's damaged physically or if just that the filesystem, hopefully the latter). Just a few days before that I was looking into UPSes because I read about how brownouts can damage HDDs :\


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Mestizo… Jungle bunny Spanish conquistador rape baby…


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This was meant to be an english translation…


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Look guys! It's Chunners! Isn't she cute?

I love my Chunny Bunny~♥~!


Basically a dude.


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You make no sense.


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birls can just put a couple mikans in their bra and they'll pass.


mikan tabetai


useless mikan boybreasts


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Fapping to trap porn is the least gay thing there is. If you fap to gay porn, that's 2 guys, and that's 100% gay. If you fap to 'straight' porn, then that has a woman, sure, but you're also fapping to a guy, which makes it 50% gay. But a trap is like half male, half female, and thus a trap with a girl would add up to 75% girl, and thus only 25% gay. 2 women would be ideal, but that would be a lesbian relationship, which brings it around to gay again. If you fap to furry porn, then it's in a weird gray area, where if it's people in fursuits, the same rules apply, but if it's with animals, I would think it depends on said animal's sexuality. Then there's consent. If a person doesn't consent to something, but the other person does it anyway, that makes the other person stronger, and thus less gay. Let's say that means they're about 50% less gay. If it was gay rape, that means that it's now 75% gay. If it's straight rape by a man, then it's 25% gay. And, if it's trap gay porn, than that's 12.5% gay. So technically, yes, rape trap porn is the least gay porn there is, but that's still looped in with trap porn, hence why fapping to trap porn is the least gay thing there is.


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I watch speedruns of this a lot, you should try one.


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I did for the first half, i dont know any out of bounds skips. Couldn't remember any strategies for the last half so i went 100% clear kill everything in the end. Was a normal run to unlock professional anyways.


What if the woman is raping the trap?


How do i make the sauce by itself?
There are instructions on the back of the box but i'm too scared.

I'm only going to make it with one of the packs inside and just eat it with rice by itself. I think making the sauce and rice is going to be enough of a challenge for me, i don't want to overextend myself by cutting up carrots and potatoes too.

Please say how i make the sauce, onegai!!


Just put the cubes in a pot of hot water, it's really that simple.

I don't know the exact amount of water:cube ratio you need, but just eye it up.

If it's too thin, add flour to thicken it, and let it boil down some. If it's too thick, add water.


I think most of them calls for you to at least add onions but I hope that you would still have a delicious meal without.


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me on the left


those are boys!!!


The maka is actually a girl.


ii ne
ii na

which one should i use??






>Deddo Oa Araibu Ekusutorīmu Bīchi Barēbōru

Fucking kek this is how the Japanese spell it




ii sa


ii zo


Don't forget to take it yukkuri today but to also do your ganbare too!

/what/friends faito!


Update: data recovered and uncorrupted on a new external.


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I did it, i made the sauce and ate it with rice!!

I got the regular Hot version and it was umai even though it was just the sauce and plain steamed rice.

Thank you /what/friends, I would never have been able to manage this all by myself. I'm really grateful that i have such good friendos that support me on these really difficult challenges.


My dog died tonight, she was a good doggo. I made this thread then deleted it. It will be left in the archives.



We all get to see our doggos and kitties again in the afterlife, I'm sure.


I'm sorry to hear that… I hope she's taking it easy in dog heaven now!


My dog died in 2015 I felt really guilty for euthanizing him


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Here's a song I'm making.


this is pretty interesting, i like it. are you universe compactor guy


>are you universe compactor guy



This is my wife. She sound very nice ja'nai ka?


American accents are one of the worst in the world.


he is dead, pls never mention him again.


No one cares, Dani.


what happened



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Nice picture. It is so strange watching these artist age in time when their first image was associated with nostalgia & reminiscence.

Now artist are replicating albums made 4 years ago that were replicating 80-90's Japanese music scene. The flood of colour and noise is hard to paddle through when majority of these albums accomplish the same thing without much innovation.

None of it catches the same value it had.
It is multiple levels of rose tinted glasses (but for your ears) now for me.


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kitties!! >v<


I wish Trevor would pick some new show to be an avatar fag with.


Hopped on CSGO, the entire match:

>bruddah you do not know da wey

>da queen
>*spit sounds*
>*cluck sounds*
>that is da wey

They never once broke character.


It's a new season so he might.


mrs noodly legs kisaragi


thats pretty racist. i hope you reported them!


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/what/boy waggling his cummer ( >,<)


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Taking your waifu out on a date!


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cute face but he needs a bubblier butte


Clearly there is no correlation between homosexuality and paedophilia.


You mean more like a girl? What's the point of being gay when you just want them to look like girls?


The Society for the Study of Whomosexuality


Oh no, I forgot to watch the vienna philharmonic new year concert on the terebi!!

They always end with the radetzky march. If you're not familiar with the name, it's the one where everyone stamps their feet and claps along and it's a lot of tanoshii.

I hope someone has put a copy up on youtube…


no? boys can have big bubble butts too, no one likes a a deflated ass


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File: 1515732687142.png (71.41 KB, 320x320, sadmado.png)

what's wrong with neko mimi song??


>boys can have big bubble butts too
No they can't


countdown for /what/min's new website!



you're just angry because no one wants your ugly pancake butte lol!


Post your big butte then and prove him wrong!


File: 1515792569033.gif (627.05 KB, 306x570, 1456136412350.gif)

Did whatmin make the homepage for this?


File: 1515801893975.png (125.08 KB, 309x370, shot0005.png)

It's my new website. I'm launching neo/what/ which is the newer and faster version of /what/. At this point /what/ is old and busted like milk.

neo/what/ will require either annual subscription or finding an annual pass in the lootboxes (legendary tier item).


File: 1515854006165.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.96 MB, 854x480, hong kong.webm)


America feels like a bubble, where only America exists, most Americans are extremely ignorant about any other countries (except maybe Canada/UK/Australia). It's like America is the only country that exists, in the mind of the general public, a world outside of America is almost imaginary, simplified down to stereotypes.

Only 350million people in America, and only half of those are white. There's over a billion Chinese, everything we buy is made in China, but the cultural and language barrier is so strong. We never hear anything from the Chinese. Never see them online. We have zero influence or cultural exchange from them.

If America feels like the only country on Earth to Americans, and the English-speaking internet feels like the only internet that exists, what must China feel like? It's like an immense alien world that we know nothing about.


>what must China feel like?
Probably like one big sweatshop.


File: 1515910001377.mp3 (8.41 MB, 02 What Goes Up.mp3)

cool song


My family went on holidays, I can Nyaa and wan wan all I want't now.


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File: 1515997866105.jpg (278.89 KB, 836x1200, 5a588c5728869.jpg)



File: 1515998446022.png (9.69 KB, 578x334, image.png)

I finally setup proper very secure SFTP support to transfer/share files between my desktop and laptop over the network.

Far more secure than NFS, which wasn't secure whatsoever, it used IP-based authentication with no password at all… You could use Kerberos to add password-authentication, but that is very complex just for password authentication.

This configuration sets up read-only access to all data in my main user's (e) home folder on my desktop, it's chroot'd to /home (can't access files outside /home), requiring key and password authentication, disables unneeded stuff for security reasons, including TCP forwarding, shell access, X11Forwarding, and root login.

Then I have another account I created with the same rules, except it's chroot'd to it's own home folder (outside of /home), where it has read and write access, so I can upload files from my laptop to it, and it only requires password auth.


Well I just hacked you and stole all of your information so it still needs some work.




If you have an ssh server already setup and configured, wouldn't sftp already be supported? Or is it something totally different?


My desktop is the SSH server, that's the config file that the SSH server daemon is started with.

You need to add the line:
>Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
To enable SFTP support. The line:
>ForceCommand internal-sftp -R
Makes it so that ONLY (read-only) SFTP is supported, you will not be able to login into a command-line shell on the remote SSH server.




File: 1516110196056.png (527.59 KB, 456x671, January 2018 in a nutshell.png)



She is like, at most, 12 years old and she's Chinese or Singaporean or something and she's living in Australia.

This is all very forbidden and illegal. You can't marry her, I'm calling the /what/police right ima!!


>search youtube: twice dance cover
>sort by upload date

I just don't understand how there's so much of this. When sorting by upload date, Youtube starts hiding unpopular results once you get a couple weeks back, so there's no way to even find the majority of these videos, but there must be 50k+ videos of teenage girls from around the entire planet who uploaded Twice dance covers.


I remember a few years ago someone either on /what/ or /ota/ said Coppelion was nice for making wallpapers out of.

Now I got around to really watching it and it is nice to look at I guess, but the rest of it (storytelling, character design etc) is pretty shitty and sometimes just irritating.

I give it 1 out of 5 cums.


I liked it, but I do think they could have done more with it.



Did you died?


i didnt like that the characters seemed so out of place with the background. they looked like cardboard cutouts placed on the ii ne background scenery


File: 1516172052568.mp3 (9.97 MB, 03 Katte ni Shiyagare.mp3)

my jam


File: 1516175415678.png (415.52 KB, 565x800, 65441751_p0.png)



File: 1516194088664.jpg (107.91 KB, 1280x720, o-face.jpg)

hello /what/

today i watched my annual episode of Tamayura mo aggresshibu.

i had 4 episodes left last year and i thought i'd watch one episode each season to finish the series, but instead i ended up watching just one episode in total last year.

i figured i'd just stick to one episode per year to savor it a bit longer, so i should finish it in january 2020.

this episode was a really nice and easy one (like all the other episodes i guess). i've forgotten most of the characters' names, but this one focused on senpai girl and what she will do when she graduates and what memories she will carry on into the future.

i liked this episode because it made me cry a little bit but it was happy cry (like all the other episodes i guess).

i hope you have a nice year friendos.

only about 350 more days until my next episode!


File: 1516194910148.png (925.15 KB, 1280x720, fuunyan.png)

A year goes by fast now, deshouka?


Do remember to tell us about the next episode as well.


they all go by really fast now, nano de!


I was reading a wikipedia article on british history and saw a really obvious typo/non-word. I looked it up and apparently it IS a word: British people actually spell "jail" as "gaol".


File: 1516208825767.png (314.65 KB, 1103x857, minge.png)



Such a nice voice, could be professional voice actor.


it's an olde englishe style, no one actually uses it except in historical contexts.

didn't you learn this stuff in school?


That's how it is spelt in English…


File: 1516258330876.jpg (83.28 KB, 1280x720, peeking shy whatboy.jpg)



File: 1516296882790.jpg (401.92 KB, 707x707, Shinryaku! Ika Musume OP01….jpg)


Looking through my trash folder of torrents I intend to delete. This album is in it.

500GB of garbage… If storage was free I'd keep it all.


File: 1516297349800.png (2.11 MB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.png)

Also in my trash folder, the anime with Asuka in it, the character that some guy spams on /qa/.

I probably won't watch this, maybe if I saw it when it was airing.


File: 1516297954553.png (531.98 KB, 500x496, mpv-shot0002.png)

Why did I throw this out? I don't even remember downloading any of this stuff.



All-female Japanese rock band from Osaka. Formed in August 2006 by four high school girls, they played live street performances until they were noticed and signed to the indie label Kitty Records.


File: 1516299632152.flac (24.67 MB, 02少女.flac)

Tell me if this familiar to you. It was the OP of a certain anime…


File: 1516323746253.jpg (68.6 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ao no Kanat….jpg)

the vn was better but you should still watch girls give their best


i think scandal only ever did OPs for bleach


File: 1516330452367.jpg (120.29 KB, 389x500, 58511680_p91.jpg)

dango tabetai


File: 1516348458818.png (1.09 MB, 777x1100, two_cute_doggies.png)

i like her suspender skirt!


Why did you delete furry shit but you didn't put a fucking spoiler on le rustle image at the same time?? you FFFFFFFFFFFF KAMI i haEt you. grrRRrrR


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File: 1516432126848.png (852.66 KB, 1335x1417, 3799881a7693de2086ffc5240a….png)

A thread I made on 4/jp/ is about to be 48 days old. It's the longest lasting thread I ever made and it's about Yukari's b00bs.


Cops don't want you wearing chainmail under regular clothes because their tazers won't work, the barbs only contact the rings and the current just goes through the rings instead. It also stops tyrones/chavs from stabbing you when they try to take your nikes.

Chainmail should be worn on a daily basis in the 21st century.


File: 1516468278402.png (286.53 KB, 1108x582, 2018-01-20-120258_1479x942….png)

Just bought this garbage.


Wear plate, it will stop hand gun rounds too.


What the heck, do you live in fucking somalia or something? why you getting shot? lmao



sigh, I'll never get to say 「いいね」 to japanese sunday flower anon…


Why? Also make a new thread this is long



/k/ really liked my thread (I don't ever post on /k/)


The few people that actually know about things get drowned out by the majority that don't so I don't go there either.


I always have to readjust to the posting style when I read something on the 4chips.

I tend to skip over the greentext thinking that I've read it earlier in the thread but then i have to go back to it when I realize they're not actually quoting anyone. I know this is just old /jp/ meme but it really does affect the way I read posts.

I think I'll just stick to spinoffs forever at this point, that's where all my frens are anyway.


Lightning just struck near my house and made my computer shut down, it seems fine but how do I know if it is damaged?


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Looking at the photos and remembering, thinking of all the nice times I had with /what/friendos…


You should always have your pc-chan power cables connected via a surge protector otherwise pc-chan might get scare or hurt or frighten!


File: 1516538318869.mp3 (9.92 MB, 02 Endless Journey.mp3)

The Shoujo Shuumatsuu Soundtrack did not have the ED but it had this which I never heard in the anime.


File: 1516542805142.jpg (169.06 KB, 1125x1920, tumblr_n5o5d6k5qN1tscdyxo1….jpg)

This is the one I use as a wallpaper on my superadmin account because she has an expression and gesture that sort of sums up what I feel whenever I have to log in as superadmin to fix something.


What OS?

Linux? You actually login to a graphical X session as root on Linux?


No that's on my Win7 pasocon.

That's all for now, I hope all friendos have a nice day today.


I don't understand how unprivledged accounts and superuser account works on Windows, I know few people do it, good idea still.



You can tell a young girl taught it these words.


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File: 1516653750719.webm (7.28 MB, 720x480, anya~desu.webm)



She sounds like a japanese person imitating a foreign person speaking japanese.

Saying "desu" a lot is the equivalent of a white english speaker pretending to be Asian and pronouncing all L's as R's, like saying "herro".


HAjeeMAshitE, Anastasia dEss


It IS a japanese person imitating a foreigner speaking japanese you big dumdum


people knew to japanese do end all their sentences in desu though


I end all my sentences in nya nya


You seem to be "knew" to english.


does /what/min even visit /what/ anymore?
why hasn't he put a spoiler image on that traced CP and deleted that dumb monke in the alphabulma thread??


Koko the gorilla is not a monke, she's a great ape just like you and me, and she's smarter than a lot of people


fuck off you dumb nigger, respect koko


File: 1516728083791.png (14.02 KB, 356x328, 2018-01-23-122019_1920x108….png)

Support for legacy captcha was dropped today.

At least 4chan did this, made it so you don't have to solve one of these horrible catpcha's every post.


File: 1516738881690.jpg (82.74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Made in Aby….jpg)

how do i get Ozen gf


I wonder why no one has ported 4chanX to other imageboards. I've actually seen two such things, one for 8ch and another userscript for a whole bunch of other imageboard frameworks, but never one as elaborate or as sophisticated as 4chanX. Is there simply not an audience for it? Anyway, if 4chan wasn't norm central prior to this, it is now, considering only norms would be dumb enough to put up with that bs. It's such a shame, though, since 4chanX made browsing 4chan so fluid and streamlined. Part of the reason why I was willing to use filters to make browsing 4chan tolerable. Wouldn't it be nice to have a universal image filter for certain image checksums? md5 has such a low collision rate, thouhg, so it's kind of hard to wrap my mind around as to why the developers of those 4chan-augmenting userscripts chose that of all things.


Koko is dumb


There's a kit that works for all tinyboard ones that you can use on Ota and some others. What works pretty great default imo high.


why does everything itai so much?

i don't want it to itai anymore.


what do you mean by low collision rate. any hash function you choose would fail to identify an image that "looks the same" with one pixel different(or some tiny change to the metadata).

the only other option would be to find some kind of levenshtein distance between the target picture and your filtered image, but that would make it slow as heck.


Shut up, nerdo.


how about you shut me up with your dick


I'll shut you up with *your* dick.


Are you going to make it feel so good that it'll take away my breath?


No, I'm going to bite it off, and then you'll become a girl.


Uhm I don't think that's how it works…


we all itai until we die


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why do they have to make it so good anime ends? why can't it go for nearly foreber?

1 episode representing 1 day in the life of nice anime girl would give approx. 1100 episodes over her 3 years of high school life.

That would be a really yukkuri anime…


That's pretty neat.





that would fucking suck, idiot




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I was thinking about taking some of my mom's Midol and found this thread on Gaia from 2009.


whats your gaya account friendo





I got this in the mail today and started playing it.

It's really terrible, just awful. I can't even begin explaining everything bad about this game, I'd feel bad roasting them.


What do you mean by "roasted"?


Kind of like steaming jannies but more intense.


Cute anime coffee bean girls getting roasted!


File: 1517019290763.m4a (7.14 MB, 03 美術II.m4a)



/what/min delete this fucking virus, holy fukk


File: 1517020687155.mp3 (3.62 MB, 02 Love And Peace.mp3)

sorry, its nice song i swear!


m4a is a proprietary codec.


A codec is a piece of software that can encode/decode media formats, such as ffmpeg.

MP4 is a media format, specifically a container format. It contains video/audio formats like H.264 and AAC.

The .m4a file extension is to tell humans that it is an MP4 container which contains only audio, no video.


ii ne


birls birls birls


It's nice that Anki is still being developed, but how come the stable ebuilds for Anki (2.0.4) are no longer in the Portage tree? You need to build python 3.6 and qt 5.8.0 in order for Anki 2.1 to not segfault, and neither of those are stable, yet. UGH…


Gentoo doesn't have enough staff to support it anymore.

Sometimes ebuilds go unfixed for months with really basic fixes that anyone can easily apply themselves. Arch community and dev support is much bigger.


The tradeoff is that Gentoo's ebuild system, for as painfully flawed in comparison to that of Paludis, has a package base far more mature and enterprise-ready than Arch by a longshot. Part of the reason why I only use Gentoo; the initial install is takes a little time which can be padded out by a walk around the block, but I literally only update on a bi-yearly basis–and nothing breaks afterwards. Of course, it's obvious why Gentoo doesn't prioritize a desktop application over their enterprise packages.

That really doesn't explain why they stopped distributing ebuilds of Anki stable when 2.1 is still in beta. A bunch of overlays, including the Funtoo tree still have the old Anki. Then again, the whole Gentoo package cycle is infamous for being so obtuse.


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>turn 360 degrees and walk away

This is guaranteed to trick newfags every time on 4chan. Is it newfags or just trolls?


Why are you so concerned with establishing yourself as better than some rando on the Internet by some metric as arbitrary understanding an old, obscure not-so-in joke shared among denizens of one of the West's most popular social media sites.


I think we found the newfag that got OWNED.



Looks like you got reverse trolled to me.


Newfags are better than you, you repeat the same old memes from 30 years ago, at least they bring something new to conversations and are probably more creative


When newfags come they have no memes, then they learn those "30" year old memes, then they regurgitate them too. You'd know that if you were around long enough, newfag.


That was true forty years ago when 4chan was the only meme center but not anymore


I had a dream this morning where I got an in IRL life dream gf. We met while I was walking along a trail in a big national park or something and I had to stop because I was wearing girlboots that didn't fit properly and were hurting my feet but I had another pair of regular shoes that I could use and she saw me when I was stopped and walked over thinking I was hurt or something.

When she saw my girlboots she commented that she hated those sorts of boots because they're so uncomfortable and she asked if I wanted to walk with her because her frens walked ahead of her.

She was really kind and nice and polite and frenly and then we went to get milkshakes together afterwards and then I woke up.



That's what makes them better, having no memes is good.


File: 1517185716666.jpg (168.32 KB, 900x724, 5b2d0437ccf7e80490b207ca2c….jpg)



Where is my fren?


going to download all of /up/ /what/min, and you can't stop me, hahaha!!


except for this obvious virus
>Microsoft Toolkit.exe

whadda heg??


It's a program to crack Windows and MS Office. The original download link to the program is on a forum called "MyDigitalLife", which you have to sign up for an account to see.

I was using it to get Win10 for free in a VM, the easiest way I could think of to transfer it to the VM is to just download it from a website, in this case the webserver running on the host system.


File: 1517310518840.jpg (62.48 KB, 712x480, nime babe.jpg)

Nice 80s anime babe


Tomorrow, I'm going to have a shave. And then the next day, I'll take a self portrait somewhere nice and reactivate my normbook and upload a new picture of myself. And then after that I'll send my resume to a friend and hopefully he can help me get a real life job so I can finally build the /what/mansion.

Wish me luck!!


ganbatte kudasai~


do NOT believe thispost


File: 1517325764552.jpg (60.95 KB, 683x286, naisu kyacchi.jpg)

wwww very fun anime about baseball girls, i enjoyeed it~


Good luck…

What anime? I've never watched a sports anime they're usually very long.


is taishou baseball girls, it goes for 12 episodes.


File: 1517361995289.jpg (362.34 KB, 1676x1024, 406a1c28c75fc68b24b3032ac7….jpg)

/what/ is down, due to weather anomalies…


File: 1517368731220.mp3 (7.91 MB, 1-Sakura Swirl.mp3)



File: 1517415636112.png (Spoiler Image, 642.48 KB, 992x538, 2018-01-31-112000_992x538_….png)



Heh, pirates foiled again.


File: 1517418719942.png (Spoiler Image, 512.2 KB, 852x480, mpv-shot0006.png)

I used youtube-dl to download the entire live stream… It's that simple.

She's Russian, hilarious accent… Quite intelligent I think.



I'm a bit surprised Nintendo of America actually posted this on their YouTube channel. In before gaming journalists start writing about how Nintendo is sexist.


File: 1517473304671.png (13.57 KB, 1164x72, meat toire.png)

The /what/ meat toire is doing JAV now!!


where is remi-anon?




Can you post the real link? I'd to waste whatmin's precious bandwidth.

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