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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1511498797729.png (1.95 MB, 1214x1614, 1511462748824.png)


This is basically AMD’s own version of the Intel Management Engine. It has all of the same basic security and freedom issues, although the implementation is wildly different.

The Platform Security Processor (PSP) is built in on all Family 16h + systems (basically anything post-2013), and controls the main x86 core startup. PSP firmware is cryptographically signed with a strong key similar to the Intel ME. If the PSP firmware is not present, or if the AMD signing key is not present, the x86 cores will not be released from reset, rendering the system inoperable.

In theory any malicious entity with access to the AMD signing key would be able to install persistent malware that could not be eradicated without an external flasher and a known good PSP image. Furthermore, multiple security vulnerabilities have been demonstrated in AMD firmware in the past, and there is every reason to assume one or more zero day vulnerabilities are lurking in the PSP firmware.


Good thing I have a Vita.


congratulations dani I made a post correcting you weeks ago about AMD PSP. good to see you finally respond to it with your typical in depth investigation culminating in a paragraph copied from wikipedia or reddit or some other website requiring the least amount of research. xd


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do not talk to me gnat



haha I get it! "jewtel" instead of "intel". very clever :)


>butthurt intel fanboy mad he paid more for a worse processor and still gets spied on



but i have an amd ;)



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