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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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My life style is taking its toll on my body. I'm 21 and I no longer want to fuck myself in the mirror.

Soon I'll have to start jogging or something. Tip me whatmin.


I just skip breakfast and drink my dinner and i started losing weight again!


she needs a bigger table. or just eat off the floor


no if the table is too big you dont have any room when you aren't using the table and it gets in the way


Notwithstanding, that table looks really flimsy, like one of the legs could bend and flip over at any moment. Certainly not the place where I would put things that I would rather not clean up once I spill, such as flaky, greasy junk food and smelly, sticky soda pop.


its a folding table


Yeah it's designed to fold up and get packed away. But why are the feet tapered into a single point? And why does it have a bend in the legs? It makes it look like it might be springy and less stable and probably scratch up the floor too.

Poor design.


Screw exercise, just change your diet.


we're talking about tables…


I just went for a run today. I almost started hyperventilating. It was just a mile run. I used to run long distance in highschool–hell, it's only been three-four years since highschool. What the heck is going on? I wonder if it's my breathing. I try to focus on it, but it doesn't seem to get better. Perhaps the alternative would be letting it get to the point that I suffocate or whatever happens when you hyperventilate. I'd rather not think about it.


The Society for the Study of Tables in Japanese Animation


You're just out of shape. Three or fours years of staring at a screen does that to you. Just keep pushing yourself and you'll get better at it again. It's important to know your limits too, of course; don't push yourself too hard.


do your best!


I want to lose a bit of wait to get abs so I tried increasing excersise and that did not work so now I have just cut down on meal sizes(I use to eat far too much) and I am losing a bit less than a kilo a week which I am happy with. You could lose wait on excersise alone but you would have to jog every day or something like that.

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