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File: 1509065547007.jpg (276.72 KB, 720x540, bulm.jpg)

 No.20510[View All]

This is the official (3% Juice) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
307 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


> - i am chinese dissident, this is only homosexual support community i find on web, i use tor to post here about gay to avoid gulag



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elsy has posted since then.


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my jam


File: 1512068060225.jpg (Spoiler Image, 230.16 KB, 840x1729, rabi~en~rose.jpg)

Don't forget!


that's not rabi~en~rose at all!!!


so you're going to show how rabi~en~rose really is or not?


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I'm making a simple android app. You install it on your phone and, if nice megane boy or girl sits next to you on the train or bus, you can show it to them and you don't need to talk or anything and if they tap "no" then you just sit quietly like you normally do anyway.

You can customize it a bit, set the message, colors, sizes and stuff. After they respond it goes to a second page with a little message that ends the conversation. The default reply for saying yes is "Maybe we can talk again sometime!", the default for no is "That's okay!". You can change the replies so if you're japanese or canadian you can apologize for wasting their time.

Maybe I'll make it so you have to type the reply afterwards instead of having a preset message. I think it seems like a cheaper experience if it's preset - maybe it's nicer to type it as you go, but on the other hand you might as well just use a text editor/notepad-style app, so idk what do with handling the response.




>20-something year old
I would stand up and sit somewhere else if someone showed me that message.


what nice boy or girl is not megane?


I wouldn't want to sit next to someone who thought like that anyway.


can you make it to say birl


yeah, of course!


/what/min, make a new content.txt for tp. this one is too big…


worthless, pathetic NEET…


downloading some b*kkake p*rn*graphy right now!


ii nee!


File: 1512452775208.png (181.55 KB, 1006x367, wtf-whatmin.png)

what the fug test




this another test


Ok, you should be able to post now.

I didn't even realize the site was broken, I just thought it was dead. Sorry, this was caused by an update to php-7.2, not sure how to fix it either I just downgraded to 7.1

Apparently somehow all the posts that couldn't be posted still went through.


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testing images


File: 1512625100713.jpg (84.93 KB, 1280x720, [Doremi].Go!.Princess.Prec….jpg)

i didnt even try posting


Make sure you keep doing that from now on.



File: 1512634160140.jpg (1.13 MB, 2100x2310, adf732340b049fb543bfd5a80c….jpg)

I can't believe I haven't heard of this until now, finally something that I can enjoy jerking off to again.


File: 1512663428936.mp3 (9.2 MB, 10 - Astro-Ho! Homing.mp3)



nice megane girl wasn't on bus today and today was last day, i missed my last chansu, i'm such a failure i just don't know what do to anymre i am about to crri


last day of what


you never had a chansu no one ever had


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fenny's monjaaaa


File: 1512955896430.jpg (79.81 KB, 679x960, 12400884_436484523216415_8….jpg)

I'm just a big dumb whomo. Maybe get drunk on new year by myself.


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nothing wrong with being a big loser whomo dork with no friends!


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File: 1513016478336.webm (3.63 MB, 480x360, fd8566836a8d9360720ab6b9d….webm)



i think you're all really cute!



These mukbang videos are really popular in Asia, especially Korea, tons of skinny Korean girls who can eat 4000 calories in one sitting.


How many korean girls in a ton?


File: 1513155848242.jpg (Spoiler Image, 383.6 KB, 1280x1707, 1512754157001.jpg)

Check out my gf (male)!


Say average weight of skinny Korean girl is 115lbs

2000 / 115

About 17.4


That's a girl (girl) you fool…


File: 1513159473833.jpg (Spoiler Image, 333.26 KB, 1280x1707, 1512754157003.jpg)

Are you sure?


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Just saw this on yahoo answers.




asked 5 centuries ago

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