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File: 1497925376967.jpg (30.44 KB, 380x600, Jon_Irenicus.jpg)


Is Irenicus the best villain ever made?

What makes him so great? Is it the way the game forcefully thrusts his barb wired penis down your proverbial throat and does not let up until you've beaten his game? His very relatable lover's spat and unending thirst for vengeance? His complete apathy and sometimes total disregard for the protagonist, as if your mere presence in the narrative meant absolutely nothing to him? Or..


Why didn't you post this in the Baldur's Gate thread?

The game is nice, idk why you're spamming though, why you do this?

I enjoyed Icewind Dale too and other similar RPGs, but you shouldn't make multiple threads like this. It might hurt your /what/friends, they're very delicate about what threads are made…

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