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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1492666913213.png (1.11 MB, 1280x720, demsubs6.png)


Roommate has a bunch of people over getting high and playing a Naruto fighting game….


I dunno why I don't have more anxiety. Guess exposure therapy works


I'm sure if I Vaped with them id get paranoid tho


Funny image.

Why aren't they playing melee instead though? It has the highest skill ceiling in the world out of any video game.



I heard that Naruto fighting game is supposed to be pretty good actually but I'd never buy it because my steam friends would make fun of me…


Yeah it probably is I'm too awkward to hang out with them so I'm staying in my room


Call the police or your local straightedge chapter.

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