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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1459525091568.jpg (38.29 KB, 480x640, ne ne.jpg)


I'm not a girl…

…Not yet a woman



i only like seeing real /what/friendos dressing up in cute clothes.


Watch me graze dat danmaku


File: 1459542582160.jpg (168.19 KB, 600x600, 1396321429612.jpg)

He's pretty cute…


Seriously? Your standards are that low?


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- Blue eyes
- Healthy looking hair
- Nice weight
- Soft looking face
- Looks tallish
- Not afraid to show face

Sounds like a winner to me, what do you look like? Wait…I don't want to know, people like you types tend to be fat, ugly and disgusting who judge others while cowardly hiding their own appearance.

When was the last time you scored a date?


Please put your tripcode back on so that I can filter your posts.


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You have to remember he's actually gay and isn't pretending because of anime traps


I feel bad, he probably came to /what/ thinking we were unironically gay here.


No display would ever be as sad and pathetic as a lonely "straight" male who goes around on the internet "pretending" he likes sucking dick.


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File: 1459580918031.jpg (63.56 KB, 1000x667, boys.jpg)

the clothes label say that these are boys but i think they just got 3 girls and dressed them in their range of girls clothes and say that they're boys dressed in boys clothes instead.

why wasn't i born as a girly boy tomboy girlboy thing instead?


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File: 1459707373690.jpg (217.42 KB, 742x1122, 1404076048314.jpg)


this is child abuse

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