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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1490669460780.jpg (199.24 KB, 521x652, f3becbd55fc33b7e8a7bdc0455….jpg)


whatmin i think there is garbage posting here


Ban teenbro retard and Dani the chinless monkey or else I'm going to make my own board and I'll still your non-autistic userbase.

I'm serious, /what/man.


Stupid normalfag phone…


What are you going to call it? /who/? /why/? /how/?


I'm going to call it lenochin, le no chin man, get it? It's going to be hilarious!


Holy fuck the bully poster is hondy LMAO


File: 1490673726929.jpg (435.72 KB, 960x1600, 0.jpg)

Do it, and take all my userbase it belong to you.


Are you saying you don't want me to post here


File: 1490674716034.jpg (185.55 KB, 1280x720, timebokan-03.jpg)

Did you know that I already own an imageboard and you posted on it once or twice back in 2013 way before the ota-ch drama and all that stuff?


I love all /what/ posters.

The tea one?


File: 1490675490696.png (188.38 KB, 932x605, 01.PNG)

What the f*ck dude, I'm not f*cking Saya…


These posts look so familiar, but I don't remember this site.


Same, these are really familiar, but I have almost no memory of the site.

Any memory I have is extremely fuzzy.


File: 1490676795541.png (123.46 KB, 655x304, trying too hard.PNG)

For some reason everyone forgot my site. I think it's time to undust the good ol' not4jp.


File: 1490681862350.jpg (96.35 KB, 480x728, rane.jpg)

You're browsing /what/ at the library?

Pretty much any anime picture (NSFW or not) would make them think you're a pedo, especially a message board full of them.

Sorry there just wouldn't be much point unless I spoilered everything, you should instead try to explain to him about Lain and anime culture.


File: 1490682080378.jpg (36.73 KB, 348x419, lain cereal.jpg)

Sorry, for this one I would say just use your adblocker to block the image.

I recommend uBlock Origin if you're not using it.


You're a fast responder.

What are you doing on campus at 3AM anyway? Are you supposed to be studying? Is this just the comfiest time to use the library?


Sorry to hear, where do you sleep, how do you eat?


A college campus would be a good place to be homeless, I think you could just live there 24/7 and no one would question it, even if you're not enrolled, so long as you keep up with hygiene. They're like small cities.


Can't believe what min leaves the most pedo image up on purpose


File: 1490715887728.png (53.66 KB, 1000x1188, shino chan.png)

I'm a dangerous man with some money in my pocket.

Expect a new board this week, nerds.


where did t-p go

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