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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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 No.15264[View All]

This is the official (100% friendo) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
291 posts and 124 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I have my user-agent randomly change every 5 minutes with this: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/random-agent-spoofer/

And I just got redirected to kakashi nenpo (sounds like a Japanese cereal) because of what my user agent changed to, Otamin has banned many users and you don't even know.

Very fucked up otamin. And for all those who don't care, maybe YOU will be next to be banned.


I don't post on ota, I still post on 4chan unlike you, if you make a spinoff your main you'll get bored of it eventually.


I post on 4chan too, a lot actually.

I made these posts on /cgl/ today:

https://warosu.org/cgl/thread/S9408221#p9428319 (This one deleted probably because butthurt female mod)


That's great, I recommend you to stick around with 4chan because users matured on certain boards, ie /lit/, /m/, /co/, /vg/ unlike cancerous communities like ota.


He doesn't ban enough posters.


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I don't read books, don't watch western cartoons, and I don't care about discussing anime or video games with 4chan.

I do sometimes browse the emulation general on /vg/ though.

I browse a lot of /fit/, I was browsing a lot of /qa/, some /cgl/, and /r9k/ even though it's very shitty now I can't stop.

I used to like /g/ more, but even after all these years it hasn't evolved past what it is, Windows users who don't care or know anything about technology who are there to discuss video games GPU performance, and bash Linux. Smartphone threads. "How to unlock iPhone?" threads. Tech support shitpost threads. And the same tired argument about Linux Vs. Windows Vs. Mac OSX.

The daily programming thread is basically a separate board in itself, it's really the "programming board", just contained in a general thread. A lot of generals have users that only browse those specific generals on /g/, some people are only there for the headphone general, some people are only there for the private-tracker general, etc.


You seem way too spooked to be a /lit/ regular.


>A lot of generals have users that only browse those specific generals on /g/, some people are only there for the headphone general, some people are only there for the private-tracker general, etc.
This is the mentality that killed 4chan.

>Linux Vs. Windows Vs. Mac OSX.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


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Well, the 4chan called, and they're running out of (you).




what the fuck happened to this board



not just here, it's everywhere


gonna cuddle with a /what/friend…


/what/min ban this nerdo, he's being rude in the Aria thread.


Are you a cute girl?


No, I am birlboy…


Most ichiban birlfriend.


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Guys, I think I'm going to marry Akiyama Mio-san, I'll be living with a anime for the rest of my life, any typos?


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You said "a anime" instead of "anaanime".


I think a anime is right.


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meow meow mio meow nyoa nwyoa nywo meow ywoe neow!


I started popping and got a boner.


Still don't have a gothic lolita gf


Is this actually some kind of exception in English or are you just joking?

I'm 99% sure anything that goes "a <word that starts with a vowel>" is incorrect.

Just an hero yourself for messing with me my dude I'm an English major.


oh that's why I couldn't find t-p because /what/min hasn't fixed the link, all the erp i've missed….


Can you please explain how you were doing this?


doing what?


Why weren't you getting redirected to /tp/ correctly?

What happens when you click the top link to it?


it takes me to what.com


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These are girls in Pattaya Thailand who will be friendly to you and have sex with you for $30 USD.

Do you see why other girls are against prostitution? How can they compete with that?

You may have heard "love you long time" as a joke. Did you know that it actually comes from the way prostitutes sell sex in Thailand? They sell "short time", and "long time", the latter of which is when they will stay over-night at your hotel with you until morning.


i dont think most american women are competing with third world whores.


All women are whores, American women are whores, they're just very expensive whores and they call it a "relationship" or "marriage" instead of blatantly calling it prostitution.

It is much more expensive.

They are competing with them, tons of white men go to Pattaya and have given up trying to please entitled feminist western whores. That causes a decrease in the amount of financially secure men for them to select from, and lowers their ability to leave their current boyfriend/husband for another man.


i dont like when you get all creepy and misogynistic


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I can't help it.

How are you not a misogynist? Are you not aware of all the societal problems they cause in the west? Are girls nice to you and fuck you so you don't care?

Is it offensive to you? Why? Are you a girl?


Are you implying women don't spend money on men? Because my ex-girlfriend bought tons of stuff for me before we broke up, and I barely spent any money on her.


I'm saying that if you're a NEET with no money to offer them, very close to 100% of females find you to be an unacceptable partner and will not be in a relationship with you. Doesn't matter if you're otherwise perfect to her, there is no possible way to to compensate through looks, personality, or anything else.

Thus, they are technically all whores as they will only date men with money to offer them.

Wealthy men on the other hand specifically want unemployed housewives/girlfriends.


You can help it I believe in you!

>How are you not a misogynist? Are you not aware of all the societal problems they cause in the west?

i'm not really a part of society anyways so it doesn't bother me

>Are girls nice to you and fuck you so you don't care?

no, but that doesn't meant I should hate them. boys aren't friends with me either so theres no reason to get all up in arms about what they have down there.

>Is it offensive to you? Why? Are you a girl?

i don't like it because it attracts the wrong types of redpilled ``people'' who only create negative unhappy spaces


>i don't like it because it attracts the wrong types of redpilled ``people'' who only create negative unhappy spaces

Yeah this is understandable but this is something that builds up anger in me and I have to let it out somewhere.

It's like a pressure building up in your balls that needs to be released, or else you will stay frustrated.


i hope you can conquer your women hating weirdness some day


4p is just an embittered virg. I remember when he was straight and liked good wholesome christian girls but he even hates them now.


someone post the kissing booth/biting booth dog image!!


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woah a vending machine for cigarettes


Have you never seen one before?
Didn't you ever watch Ichigo Mashimaro where Nobue buys some cigarettes??


I went almost a week without masturbating and my balls started hurting. Jerked off a few times and it went away. Don't listen to the nofap memers.


Intentionally blue balling yourself is the the only benefit if you enjoy that kind of stuff.

I used to go to this restaurant that had a cigarette vending machine & a popcorn machine. They went out of business and smoking indoors is illegal.


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Why the hell was this deleted?


cuz its gay just like you LOL


Got a bit of Harrison Ford going on here.

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