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File: 1488297665504.jpg (29.72 KB, 450x573, 4a18a6b703457c3d33e68d587b….jpg)


persona 4 is beaten. my life is over. what do i do now /what/??


I really wanna play it but I don't have a vita


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I'm on a tablet that runs the base model Skylake is that enough


A tablet with a Skylake Intel processor?

I would laugh at someone asking if they could run PCSX2 on a tablet usually, but maybe times are changing and that might actually be powerful enough for some games with lower settings.

Some games are more demanding than others, Persona 4 is probably pretty well optimized though. I know for a fact you won't be able to run Xenosaga though.


I'll try it.

Yo tho have you played all the persona games? Like what order should I play them in?


Nah you can just play persona 4, they're not connected.


But like shouldn't you play then in a certain order


No, the games are all very different, especially Persona 1 and 2 which feel more like SMT games.


Man I remember this huge guide on /v where they were like a certain order to play and included the smt in the ordering


Play persona 3. I enjoyed the story of 3 over 4.


Play Tales of Symphonia.


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Get on my level, nerds.


File: 1488643479046.jpg (Spoiler Image, 170.93 KB, 1200x1600, Image0003.jpg)

That's nothing dude, check this


File: 1488643790191.jpg (Spoiler Image, 171.08 KB, 1200x1600, Image0005.jpg)



I need to organize my games…


Were you disappointed that onaholes don't feel as good as you imagined?


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It feels as if I'm fucking your mouth and you won't let go


That's odd, every onahole I've owned pushes my dick out.

If I take my hand off it the onahole will fly off my dick. Every onahole I've bought is too small for my penis, I don't even have that big of a penis and I'm not trying to brag, it actually annoys me because I can't find a good onahole, or I'm severely limited in what holes I can buy.


File: 1488646109256.png (290.17 KB, 870x1220, 54816241f4ee5a1f590317561b….png)

Take the hint big-dick-norm, onaholes are not for you


File: 1488646718035.png (692.49 KB, 997x720, 1407009338798.png)

>I don't even have that big of a penis and I'm not trying to brag

I'll be the judge of that, post pictures of your penis.


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Really nice shape, length and complexion..
By that picture it appears to be slightly above average which is already double the size of an Asian penis.


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Now show yours


That's not me, that's Dani.


File: 1488655408333.swf (4.41 MB, I_AM_THE_LAW.swf)

No. I know you and you'll just make fun of it again..and I think I've posted it enough times already.


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I bet you like it when I make fun of your pee pee


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I did not…


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Self-conscious dorks should be bullied into submission and fucked.


Bump holy fuck I was here in February

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