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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1487048858131.jpg (90.55 KB, 808x944, chenentine.jpg)


Happy valentine's day /what/!

I hope you all have a nice day!!


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Misako-san will hate you if you're skinny, the only way to fugg her is to train a lot and I mean A LOT!

Only beefcakes can pound the sexy nurse.


File: 1487094732320.jpg (159.75 KB, 800x752, __flandre_scarlet_and_remi….jpg)

Sweet /what/frens <3


roses are red
violets are blue
real girls are bitches
so i sat at home and watched strike witches


don't forget to show your special /what/friend a picture of your c*mmer this valentine's day!


I have no special /what/friend…


you can share your picture with chuuupyon instead!


Is it mandatory to share a cummer pic on valentines?


what if my cummer is ugly?


sexually insecure /what/friends being insecure about their cummers ( >,<)


Alright, fun is over, you can go back to /t-p/ now.



Only if you truly love your /what/friend.


I love all my /what/friends!


File: 1487134122556.jpg (93.29 KB, 559x600, __kaname_buccaneer_mikumo_….jpg)

i cant tell if you're being ironic or not


Sometimes I'm not even sure myself.


Happy Chenentine's Day!

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