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File: 1486492603521.png (681.02 KB, 982x1100, 1486433850160.png)


whatmin lick


Why do I want to lick a girl's pussy so bad?

Is it because I think they're so above me in society? That doesn't even make sense because most girls don't like getting their pussies licked even by Chad.



File: 1486494183904.jpg (45.84 KB, 424x651, 1484528185072.jpg)

servile instincts. you literally exist only to toil my fields while i sit like an effendi and eat. its in your genes.


I'm more red-pilled than Sam Hyde and I hate women.

I still want to lick pussy though.


I do have to admit though, this is probably the most sickest burn ever to /r9k/, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't get to me at all.


american girls love to get their pussies licked because they are porn-addled and because it gives them a sense of dominance over men


1) Girls practically don't watch porn
2) (American) girls don't like getting their pussies licked because they're so self-conscious they can't enjoy it


GIrls read a LOT of porn though


look at pornhub statistics, girls watch porn nowadays




you can keep grasping at straws however you want


so you admit the guys are actually girls?


I'm sure a large percentage of people identifying as "girls" on Pornhub aren't actually female.


It's like in MMOs, at least 90% of people playing female characters are guys.


ok 4pq

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