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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1461597060631.jpg (186.48 KB, 551x621, 1417740595365.jpg)


using my nooormiephone case as an ash tray hehe


You're smoking dani?


File: 1461598055389.jpg (75.74 KB, 480x740, 055c392335f90f5a02226c8fcd….jpg)

i bought my second packet today im smoking for the first time

i feel like such a bad boy


File: 1461598216713.png (224.13 KB, 486x562, 19133e1c07ee84ac7677fc94cf….png)



K have fun, just don't make a bad habit out of it.


File: 1461598698077.jpg (40.94 KB, 523x573, 1409682021597.jpg)

i want to be a bad boy with dani


porchy is a gay homo fag


first you start smoking cigarettes, next thing you know you're smoking cocks….


File: 1461603287466.png (1.47 MB, 1175x1079, 1458525674311.png)

i was already smoking cock…


you'll smoke even bigger cocks


Did they started giving you autism-bux Dani?

I'm happy for you if they did.


File: 1461605185010.jpg (538.89 KB, 1024x768, 5433e5b944ab23f3994e710247….jpg)

yes they did

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