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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1479397712831.png (598.81 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot from 2016-11-17….png)


i did it whatmin


lol at that wallpaper

I should try Gnome Boxes, that sounds way easier than using qemu normally. Also need to try this, hopefully soon you can easily play 3D games with a Windows VM without having to passthrough a real GPU.



buzz off kid


File: 1479412202568.png (1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-11-17-144415_1920x108….png)

Tested it out for the first time, works surprisingly well.

Extremely better than other graphical methods like spice/qxl I've tried with qemu. Can actually play 3D games and play 1080p videos with OpenGL output, and move windows around smoothly.

This is Fedora 25 beta though, Wayland by default and it's buggy and I'm having a hard time setting up a normal X11 WM to test. There's some graphical glitches in supertuxkart, not sure if it's just a wayland/xwayland bug though, need to test on normal X11 WM, I can't test some programs like Dolphin on Wayland, it won't run.

Basically not sure how much of it is Wayland bugs, and how much of it is Virgl bugs.

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