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/what/ - ...

The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1461181675434.png (63.04 KB, 1023x635, what.png)


The good old days…


File: 1461183662465.jpg (28.75 KB, 238x291, 1372363894615 (copy 1) (co….jpg)



File: 1461185492455.png (43.65 KB, 240x135, killin.png)



was I the person who said "dude……" or was that someone else? I can't remember anything anymore


I think it was me.


and was it me that started the thread? i feel like it was but i'm not sure


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I capped that, too!


I have that same feeling.

In fact, I'm pretty sure it was me.


I'm pretty sure I'm the one that posted dude, guys.


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/what/ honestly getting /foolz/like

I'm outta here. Peace out.


If you keep running from problems they'll follow you till you have nothing left


*waits patiently for all the cool foolz kids like gropy and mordin to return*


those damn foolz steambro crossies!! *waggles fist angrily*






Actually I posted this. What posters are too faggy and enamored with whatmin to this….


No one hates /what/min more than I do



prove it


Remember when /what/ had dozens of pages?

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