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The Society for the Study of Hairy Boosy
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No. 9272

Do any of you guys like arguing about dumb shit?

I was thinking about arguing about some dumb shit today, but what?



Is this in honor of the recent events?


Sort of. I discovered it when I had to look up where the hell Macedonia is.


What recent event involve macedonia??????


…I take it history and geography aren't your strong points?


As far as I know they're killing off Albanians.


Homage to RedCream?


Not at all. I would still claim to know more than average though, despite knowing little.

Perhaps if I was European I would know, however I would bet only a very small amount of people in any part of the Americas could point out Macedonia on a map. I'm not exactly embarrassed to tell you I know nothing about Macedonia.


The based god taught me to cook


A country that names itself after one of the most famous empires in history and you can't at least give out its general location? If that's what passes as above average knowledge in the US then yeah it is pretty embarrassing.


Admit yoar roal.


I knew it was a slavic country, and in turn it's general area, but that's it.

>If that's what passes as above average knowledge in the US then yeah it is pretty embarrassing.

I said "the Americas" by the way, nothing about the US. You don't think "the Americas" is the United States do you, Geography Genius-san?

I'm sure in Europe, where I'm guessing you're from, Macedonia might be more relevant. It might be taught in school, and talked about in the media. However in many other places in the world, you might have a hard time finding someone who's even heard of Macedonia. How many people in Europe do you think could point out Missouri on a map, or even know about basic US history like The Alamo? I mean what kind of education system do you even have there in Europe?


>I knew it was a slavic country, and in turn it's general area, but that's it.

That's all I was asking.

>I said "the Americas" by the way, nothing about the US

You said you had above average knowledge, but you didn't specify it was above average for the entire American continent. Which would be a given considering Latin America is mostly still 3rd world. So I just assumed you were an American (and I'm using "American" to mean a US person because that's what literally everyone uses). If you're not one then my bad.

>It might be taught in school

Ancient Macedonia certainly is, which is why most people know about it. And you're not really comparing a US state to a country, are you?


>And you're not really comparing a US state to a country, are you?

I am. Many of our states are bigger and more relevant than entire countries themselves in Europe.

Missouri is a pretty irrelevant state, but then again, Macedonia is a very small irrelevant slavic country. The same reason people in the Americas don't know anything about Macedonia is the same reason Europeans don't even know the state layout of the US, or basic US history.

Get off your high horse.


bigger =/= relevant

And no one is arguing Macedonia is relevant, you mong. All I was saying was that anyone should know of its general location simply by virtue of it being associated with Ancient Macedonia. And you already stated that you know the general location so what are we even arguing about?

And plenty of people in Europe know about and can pinpoint the most important US states, and know about general history of the USA. Don't make the assumption that the rest of the world is as self-centered as the US. Now can we put this issue to rest, didn't you have a dish to make?



>Get off your high horse.

This is all I have in life, so no.


>bigger =/= relevant

That's why I used the word "and".

>And you already stated that you know the general location so what are we even arguing about?

I said I didn't know where Macedonia was, the "general location" part only came later in the conversation. I'm not claiming to know much about Geography/History, my point has been that not knowing about Macedonia is equivalent to how you probably couldn't identify US states on a map. I would say in terms of geography being able to identify all the US states is about equally as important as being able to identify all the European countries.

>ll I was saying was that anyone should know of its general location simply by virtue of it being associated with Ancient Macedonia

From what I'm understanding current day Macedonia has absolutely nothing to do with ancient Macedonia (AKA Macedon). They're not even in the same place, there's a shitfest over even naming the current day territory "Macedonia", and there's also an entire region inside of Greece today called "Macedonia".


So where is "Macedonia" again?


I can't believe you still aren't getting it. I AM NOT ASKING YOU TO PINPOINT IT ON A MAP. All those places are close to one another, it's not that complicated to figure out the GENERAL LOCATION of current day Macedonia (FYROM, if you want to be anal about it). NOW PLEASE JUST DROP IT AND COOK THE DAMN THING and post pics, please.


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I'll cook it later tonight, I'm not very hungry right now.

Have a great day anonymoose, maybe cook something yourself.


itt typical ignorant and arrogant american


Drop it. Any more discussion on the matter will be met with harsh words by myself and my several other personas.


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I think it's funny when I see that European guy that hates America and thinks all Americans are stupid.

Like I'm going to go to their country and be surrounded by geniuses.


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Are you talking about someone else in particular or are you referring to me? Because I can assure you I don't hate America and I don't think all Europeans are geniuses.



I'm referring to an archetype. The "americans are stupid/arrogant" European guy archetype is very common on the internet.

>I don't think all Europeans are geniuses.

Don't take things so literally.


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lol that guy SERIOUSLY, UNIRONICALLY thinks american states have any kind of relevance to the world. As far as the world is concerned America is a monolithic block. No one outside of it gives a damn about where Maine is located or the history of Maryland, or whatever.
Neither does FYROM, but that's besides the point.


>The "americans are stupid/arrogant" European guy archetype is very common on the internet.

That's because the dumb American stereotype is very common in Europe.

>Don't take things so literally.

Don't tell me what to do…


File: 1431376272702.png (46.79 KB, 1350x625, iq world.png)

Actually, according to this unbiased, unsourced map, the US really is dumber than Europe!


I bet Australia is so dumb because the australian faggot monkey's negative i.q. dragged the national average 40 points down just by himself!


>As far as the world is concerned America is a monolithic block.

Is this the part when I can claim you're an ignorant/stupid yuropoor for thinking that? The difference between states might not be that significant, at least not like the cultural/political divides between European countries, I'll give you that. However there is laws that vary widely from state to state (cannabis is legal in one state but not the next for example), widely varying climates and ecosystems, and widely varying cultures.

Geographically, being able to point out US states is just as important as being able to point out European countries. The US takes up a significant amount of the Earth's land, geographically, treating it like a monolithic block is dumb.

Probably because the US is very "culturally enriched".


Just as an FYI, the person you're replying to isn't me, Macedonia guy. Just want to get that out there, don't want anyone ruining my reputation.

Also that map is native populations only. (hence australia)


I've always heard Abo's were dumb. What about Native Americans though?

I knew that guy wasn't you btw.


If not for European colonization, I imagine they would've been able to thrive by themselves and develop their own advanced society. Or maybe not.


I'm talking about history. Geography is other thing. I think the average europoor has a basic knowledge of major ecosystems and geographic regions of America despite not being able to name more than 10 states.

And going by your line of thought, knowing the states of Russia, China, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Argentina, etc, is also just as important. Do you agree, or only the USA gets that treatment?


Didn't you see the map? They average between 85-90, like North Africa and south Asia.


He said abo meaning Australian native.




>having states


it has the state of being SHITE


Just to clarify what I actually meant by that, I was trying to subtly make a point that if the Australian's IQ was low because they were only surveying Abo's, then the US's IQ was probably only surveyed from Native Americans.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah that is the whole point of that map……………………….. it's natives only……………………………. (this guy…)


> yeah that is the whole point of that map……………………….. it's natives only

uhhhhhh… … … that's my point. You're comparing a bunch of white people in Europe to Native Americans… … …


File: 1431404933799.png (566.52 KB, 954x442, IQAveragebyCountry-954x442.png)

I wasn't comparing, that was a joke map…… but if you want me to post an actual one, here it is.


g-d ur dumb


i agree with u


No intelligent big viking svensk xf 2 hold ur'e hand.


Its funny how the highest iq on europe goes pretty much on a straight line from sweden to italy

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