[ what / sjis / test-php ]

/what/ - mugi

The Society for the Study of Hairy Boosy
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No. 22723

I think it's appropriate to make a useful distinction between gender and sex. Gender isn't sex and a specific sex isn't inherently tied to a gender.

The only fundamental quality of femininity is absolute subordination to its male counterpart. It is the embodiment of dehumanized passivity. A gagged, bound specticle of the will to self-abnegation and cognitive annihilation. Being a girl means being a non-human entity void of subjectivity and the capacity to act on the external world. Your perceptions, thoughts and wishes must be denied to fulfill your role as an inert receptacle for the mental activities and physical byproducts of males. Your objecthood satiates the violent, egoistic, vigorous material lusts of the active male. Through violence, through external action, you are elevated to sublime nothingness.

The argument of "girls like bully" needn't be supported on an empirical basis. Most women (sex) are female (gender). The ultimate cultural euphemerity of this arrangement is irrelevant for the purposes of our investigation. Women needn't be female, but when they are they by definition like bully. Men, similarity, are theoretically compelled to like bully when they are females.


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This sounds like if you took a bunch of r9k posts and put it in a blender mixed in with a thesaurus and unsubstantiated freudianisms.

So many assumptions and viewing from a biased world view…

You also misused the word "definition"
You're triggering my autism please stop…


*bullies your tears*


The first paragraph screams tumblr, and the rest of it is like /r9k/ mixed with r/TheRedPill. What a strange thread.


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I think I'm going to have a gay spasm….


maybe drop the tr*p? ..


No, don't, I like having a tripfriend around here!


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It's fine….


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have you dehumed your birl today, whatfriends ?



kill yourself


fastposting samenerd


*pees a little bit*


Pretty confused about what you are trying to say here.


Reminder that it was women who cavorted with Satan and caused our fall from grace. Everything you suffer is their fault.


I don't like bully.


Are you a girl?


My gender must be male otherwise I would like bully! Didn't you read the OP?


> r/TheRedPill
I love it when redditbros reveal themselves by displaying their knowledge of specific reddit boards.


Shut the fuck up.


No bully!


Yes bully


Ass bully


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Guys I have something to admit, I started browsing reddit, and stopped giving a fuck about pic related.

Only a few subreddits though, that aren't so bad.


lol whatever you say, redditbro ;-)


As long as you stay away from the default subreddits, it's really not that bad of a site. I browse it too.


The whole layout of Reddit is very confusing and ugly so I never bothered to browse it…


Even the content on reddit was good I wouldn't browse it because that layout is awful


if you ever read content that wasn't meaningless you wouldn't care if it's on reddit, a scribbled paper, or whatever. you want the information and not the 'status' of having not browsed reddit cause peer pressure from 4chan users. considering 4chan users your peer and allowing them to pressure you? well, that's a whole problem in and of itself beyond simply browsing reddit.


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It's a way to discredit politically incorrect material.

It's pretty much the only kind of argument real girls understand how to make.


The problem with reddit is that the system allows the userbase to decide on what content should be filtered or not. On top of that, the communities/topics/boards are monopolised by people that enforce some warped etiquette policy that make it impossible to express certain opinions or views (and even makes it difficult to express views/opinions that can simply be MISTAKEN to agree with "the wrong people), and even on boards that do not follow this reddiquette (or whatever the fuck it's called) the userbase follows it anyway due to their conditioning on other boards. Take everything that is wrong with forums and amplify it, give it a heavy neo-left bias, then bring in the social network crowd, that's reddit.


there's a certain thing called "hot-button issue". politics, religion, sex, and other social issues are premier among them. these topics hardly encompass all worthwhile reading. while these things have lots of bias in both directions it's that way everywhere on the internet. so your spew about the neo-liberal bias isn't meaningful since you yourself hold an obviously strong, but pointless bias and 4chan has one as well.

as for topics which aren't hot-button issues? being needlessly offensive and making obviously false statements gets you downvoted so you can't vent your daily frustration like on 4chan? the problem is yours and not reddits. as i said read something that's not meaningless and suddenly this issue disappears totally. if you can't express an opinion in a way that's not offensive then i doubt you've got an opinion i would even want to read under normal circumstances so it's moot in my view. some fringe person who doesn't even hold moderate communication skills isn't holding some secret that i absolutely need to read. also, there's plenty of boards for people who want racist and other ignorant shit so you're crying wolf on that.


No, the problem with reddit is the subreddit owner invariably creates a censored hugbox and there's no mechanism to depose such individuals. The echochamber dynamics are merely a result of this, as mods will permanently ban people based on even posting history. A moderately worse situation than what spurred the creation of every /jp/ spinoff, but in essence the same thing.

If you want free speech, make your own site and host it in a bumfuck nowhere country. My idea is to somehow advance satellite communications technology and host sites on cheap, disposable severs randomly shot out into space that replicate data among each other and can't be subject to censorship.


Uhm why are you guys arguing about reddit…?


shut the fuck up

shut the fuck up

shut the fuck up

shut the fuck up


It's precisely this kind of behaviour that I have a problem with. You're making a ton of assumptions about me simply because I said "neo-left", using those to disregard what I say (and what you seem to think I'm saying), attacking things that aren't even relevant to what I'm saying, and then acting like you're on the moral highground, above all those dirty ignorant wrongthinkers, when all you're really doing is acting like a pretentious hypocritical prick.


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>"hot-button issue"
>politics, religion, sex
Lol, did you mean diversionary plebfeed?


we both know you're talking about some gamergate type mumbo jumbo when you mention neo-left. nothing that particularly even matters basically. i only discovered that existed cause there was new articles mentioning it on sites like reuters that wanted click bait with titles like #gamergate.

if i was disregarding what you said i wouldn't type out a reply. reddit has flaws but what doesn't? your post exaggerates the flaws and puts it in a vacuum like it has to be perfect or bust. the problems are so small they're not worth mentioning unless you've got an obvious bias. if you're simply interested in content then you won't even try and argue others should avoid reddit. so, yes, i do look down at you. it isn't on the basis of morals either.


WHO HOMU HERE? ? ? ? ? ? ? Are you alive ? ?


Shut the FUCK up


MOM people are talking
*pees self*


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 | | |  ┃This thread is shit.┃ | | |
 (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)


>we both know you're talking about some gamergate type mumbo jumbo when you mention neo-left
uh, no? where the fuck did you pull gamergate from? articles you've seen on reuters? give me a fucking break.

>the problems are so small they're not worth mentioning unless you've got an obvious bias.

99% of boards follow "reddiquette" and the majority of the userbase will vote you down based on their misguided political biases, its not a small issue at all


literal ad clicking media pleb


Why do you even care about politics, it's like the most boring thing to talk about


shut the fuck up


where the fuck did you people came from?


"dehumes everyone in this thred"

get down, boy


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what does dehume mean?


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I've been here for over a year at least I'm just bored honestly



kill yourself


∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧      ∧_∧
 ( ・∀・)   ( `ー´)  ( ´∀`)  ( ゚ ∀゚ )    ( ^∀^)
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A garbage man!


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Hey sakura. Give me your # we're going for coffee ;)


For obvious reasons I won't post personally info like that here.


Also half the posts you quoted were not mine…


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good birls itt


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Holy shit, I knew I read this somewhere before….

8/10 OP.


Which board?


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I really should of caught on sooner…

I can't believe I got tricked by a copy-paste:


Um why did this uboachan site steal our mascot girl?


What a terrible thread.


… really itching for a sub guy to birl


Hey sakura.


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